We can only imagine the perfection of that first rainbow that God placed in the sky for Noah and his family as they had endured eleven long months aboard an ark caring for every living creature from the earth. WOW! We can hardly make it with our extended family in one house for the Christmas holiday. Imagine 11 months with them coupled with all the noises and smells that Noah's floating zoo contained.
When they all came off the ark, the animals scattered and I'm sure the ladies started looking for a place to "nest," somewhere to cook and sleep and take care of the family. However, Noah's first thought was to build an altar to God. He wanted to share the gratefulness that he felt for the care and provision that God had made for his family. The sweet fragrance of that sacrifice had an effect on God and He came and spoke to Noah. (I just want to say that again.)
The sweet fragrance of Noah's sacrifice had an effect on God and He came and spoke with Noah.
Think on that. Noah's actions affected God's behavior. What if Noah hadn't honored God for delivering his family safely through the flood with an altar of honor and praise? Where would we be now? Would we know a rainbow? Our actions bring consequences to everyone around us. What we say and do effects others and even God, Himself.
Noah did make a sacrifice and God did come to speak with Him. God told Noah that He was setting up a covenent with him and everything living thing around him that He would never again destroy the Earth with flood waters. This covenant, a promise that cannot be broken, brought with it a sign of remembrance. God not only wanted Noah to have a mental knowledge of His covenant with him; He wanted Noah to have a visual image to associate with that covenant.
In Genesis 9:8-17 (msg), the word covenant is used seven times. Of those seven times, five of them are connected with the words sign or remember. God knows our limitations and He makes accommodations for them. He knows that our head knowledge becomes dim and gave us a visual reminder of the binding agreement that He made with Noah.
The day my family broke ground on our new home there was a rainbow overhead. I took a picture of it and thanked the Lord for His visual reminder of His covenant with me. Not only to keep the Earth from being destroyed by flood, but also to be my strength when I am weak. He promises to never leave me or forsake me. He promises to give His angels charge over me. He promises to one day come back for me, His bride.

I trust Him to keep His word and look forward to the visual remembrances He places before me.
"Holy! Holy! Holy! Is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!"
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