Love it! Just as I respect and admire Tim Tebow for such awesome use of eye black, Tyrel Reed took advantage of a simple moment of influence to share his faith with impressionable boys. I told Tyrel's father about this last season after the KU/Baylor game and he chuckled and reminded me that Tyrel is just like the rest of us...making mistakes and all. I told Coach Reed that I am sure Tyrel is, but that is why Jesus came and I respect him for telling my son about Him.
Well, tonight KU - - #1 in the polls, undefeated! - - was losing to Cornell...unranked Cornell. It was not a pretty picture. Tyrel hadn't scored all game, and then he was open in the corner, shot a three and...nothing but net! (If I remember correctly. And if I didn't, it still went in and counted!)
The game changed. The crowd changed. The players changed. You could see it in their faces...determination now mixed with confidence. They were not going to lose, and they didn't. The Jayhawks are still the #1 team...undefeated! It was such an exciting victory to watch and I love that Tyrel was a game changer!
Perfect example of what Jesus did for us! Sin has us down...on our own we are defeated, but Jesus came. He couldn't stay away! He was crucified. He was buried. but PRAISE GOD!!! He was resurrected!!! Talk about a game changer! And, He lives so that I can live.
I don't wear eye black...I am not on national television...My name does not bring up millions of results when googled. However, I am in contact with people everyday. My circle of influence may be smaller than Tim Tebow's and Tyrel Reed's, but God has still entrusted me with souls that are precious to Him. He has entrusted you with a circle of influence as well. Let's be sure we are faithful to share the exciting news about the ultimate game changer!
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