While taking down all the Christmas trees at church, I got to talking with one of our middle school students. He is reading the Harry Potter books for AR tests at school and we began discussing our favorite characters. He mentioned that he likes Luna because she is so weird, especially when she was out with the "strange horses" (they are called thestrals).
That is one of my favorite scenes in that particular movie because of what Luna tells Harry. He feels alone, like noone understands the situation he finds himself in. Noone shares information with him during the summer months away from school. His trusted professor isn't talking to him. He feels isolated and weak.
Luna tells him that is exactly the way Voldemort (the enemy) wants him to feel because if he is all alone he isn't much of a threat.
Now I realize that Harry Potter is not a Christian movie and many Christians believe we shouldn't read the books or watch the movie. I believe that we should use whatever the world dishes out and use it to point people to Christ. The Harry Potter books make this task fairly simple, and this quote from Luna is one shining example.
Ecclesiastes 4:12 (msg) "By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped."
Our enemy, Satan, wants us to feel alone and isolated in this world. He wants us unprotected so he can snap us in two. However, when we surround ourselves with fellow Christians - someone to challenge us to think right, do right and grow spiritually - we can face the worst. We will not be defeated.
Who are you surrounded with? Have you chosen friends that are growing in Christ? Have you chosen friends who are in the Word, listening for God's voice? Have you chosen friends that make wise choices in places to go and people to listen to?
Don't let Satan win this battle. Don't try to defeat Him on your own...find a Christian friend who will stand against him with you and trust the Holy Spirit to be your third. He is the strand that cannot be broken!
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