This quote was part of our Love Dare calendar last weekend and I absolutely love it....probably because I am truly in a storm. I don't know how things are going to work for God's good. I don't see how He will receive glory in this situation. And, I have no idea how I am supposed to have patience which will produce a peaceful calm!
I do know that God's words are faithful and true...HE is faithful and true. I do know that He will never let me down or leave me stranded. And, I am confident that He will take care of His glory. I will not stand in His way when His glory is at stake.
Even in my knowledge and experience of God's constant care and unwavering provisions, I still want to cry over what is happening to us. My heart is broken and I just don't understand.
He hears my cries and He is listening for them. He hears my frustration and is listening for it. He hears my heart that trusts Him and He is listening for it."God listened....
God remembered....
God saw....
God understood."
Exodus 2:24-25 (msg)
He remembers His promises. He knows the words He has spoken to me and He remembers them on my behalf.
God sees what is happening to my family. He sees how we are being mistreated. His eyes are not shielded to the fact that we are being robbed. Praise to Him, He also sees how His children are coming to our aid and defense. He sees generosity and sacrifice offered to ease the pain and remove the isolation of loneliness. (as if we are the only ones to ever be treated so)
He understands our hurt and our humility. He understands our weaknesses and how difficult it is to ask for and accept the help we so desperately need.
"I've taken a good, long look....
I've heard their cries....
I know all about their pain....
I have come to help them..."
Exodus 3:7 (msg)

Thank you Father! I need You...every hour...every minute. Heal my heart and be sure to receive the glory as You come to help me.
1 comment:
How I love your honest heart! People need to know that Christ Followers and Believers hurt, doubt, fear, and get angry...tell Him...He can take it. I love you. I'm so glad to be on this journey is some small way with your family!
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