Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Who I Am

I am a girl who grew up with a daddy that told her she was beautiful everyday...he still greets me with a "Hi, beautiful!"  (Now, he says that to his wife, my sister, and my daughter, but that's not important right now!) He told me if I ever heard someone whistle to turn and wave because they were whistling at me!  I always heard people say I looked just like my mom and I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. 

I am a girl who always dreamed of being a mom...just like mine!  Playing games, riding bikes, going on picnics, playing cards and reading together.  I learned to bake cookies just like she did, gave my best effort at learning to sew (didn't take), and took to heart the importance of solid, strong friendships (II Timothy 2:22).

I am a girl who deeply desires to be on the heels of my Savior.  I cherish the few years as a teenager when I was blessed to attend First Southern Del City because that is where the passion for journaling my relationship with Christ began.  I knew that if God could and would speak personally through His word to the other girls in my small group than He would talk with me. 

I am a girl with faith larger than a mustard seed.  I believe!  I trust!  I take people at their word and expect them to follow through.  With God I never have, nor will I ever, be disappointed.  With people, I have had my heart broken more times than it can bear.  And yet, my faith continually puts me in the place of trusting and expecting.

I am a girl that was blessed to become a mom!  Many girls do not get to receive the joy and blessing of motherhood and I count it a huge honor to have Jackson, Cameron and Chloe entrusted to my care!  I love playing with them, teaching them (Proverbs 22:6), challenging them, and loving them!  Watching them grow and mature is humbling as they are surpassing me in so many ways!

I am a girl that has made mistakes.  I can pinpoint several times in my life where I ignored the escapes God provided from temptations and yet He saved me from myself.  I remember a time when I fully recognized the escape He was offering me and I ignored it completely. (I Corinthians 10:13) I am ever so humbly blessed that He is a forgiving God who overflows with love for me! 

I am a girl who is not defined by her past...even her recent one.  I am a daughter of the most high King!  I am loved and sought after!  I am valued and forgiven! (I John 1:9) I am the girl I committed to be on April 24, 1974, when I asked Jesus to be my Savior.  I am the girl I confessed to the world in September 1976, when I shouted by example through baptism that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus (Romans 1:16)!

I am a girl who is resting in the peace lovingly provided through the Holy Spirit as I make decisions to be the best me I can be.  (John 14:27)  I am a girl who will thrive through the fulfillment of the desires God placed in the depths of my soul. (Proverbs 13:19)  He knows me...He created me...He longs for me to be fulfilled and complete.

I am a girl that has found success!

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