A couple of years ago I found a writing contest I wanted to enter. As I begin to pray through and organize my thoughts I decided to use my mom's letters as the foundation for my article. She died after my first semester of college so I only have 3 months of notes and letters but they are full of wisdom and love. I went to the filing cabinet where I kept them, took out the envelope which held them all, and was devastated to discover it held other things. I searched everywhere, but with no luck. You can imagine my heartache as I cried over the loss of her last words to me. One letter in particular included words of wisdom that I cherished. I had her words memorized but seeing them in her handwriting made them a tad more powerful.
Last night I was going through some old things...tossing out what wasn't needed. I came across some cards from dear friends, a thank you letter from a special friend for her 30th birthday party, pictures from college, and a picture with a note from my mom that I kept on my wall during college. Another find was one of mom's letters! And not just one of them...it was the very one that I wanted most dearly! Tears just flowed down my cheeks when I recognized her handwriting on the envelope...my heart stopped in my chest and when I took out the letter and realized it held the dearest words of wisdom. Let's just say, I nearly fell apart!
I read that letter aloud and was so moved by the timeliness of her words for today! It might be 25 years later, but her words are fitting for me now because her wisdom was based on the word of God. His words never change and they are always the answer I need. He is always faithful to me...giving me the very things I desire without even asking for them.
I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing!
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