He received a couple of lazer tag guns. I didn't know anything about these guns when I first heard him mention that he would like some several months ago. I googled them and read countless customer reviews until I found some in my price range that an adult consumer even loved. WOW! They are so much fun to play with! The only downside is having to stop and reload! hahaha
I am a tad on the assertive...okay, fine...aggressive side :) and I charge after my opponent firing the whole time, so inevitably when I have to stop and reload, I get hit. There have been several battles when the boys have figured me out and they simply wait to shoot while I am reloading. Good strategy on their part, but I am truly shouting, "Not fair!" :) All in good fun...well, as long as I'm winning!
As this day is drawing to a close, and I am ready to commit to a Scripture memory challenge, it dawns on me that I face life this way many times. I can charge ahead and then when I am out of gas, Satan attacks. As this year has been drawing to a close I have been neglecting the very thing I need to reload. Instead of saturating my mind with the Word, I have been dwelling on the "truth" Satan has been feeding me. He knows my weakness and I have been letting him push my buttons.
Why, oh why, would I allow this when the very power that conquered the grave lives inside of me?!! Jesus defeated the attacks of Satan with Scripture He had committed to memory...I can do the same!
"Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee." There are many reasons for Christians to memorize the Word of God, and a powerful one is found in the book of Psalms. The very Word of God will keep us from falling into sin. I Corinthians tells us that with every temptation comes a way of escape. Hearing the Word spoken to my soul from deep in my heart has led me back to my Father's side many times and I will never reach the place where I won't need to reload.
So, I am publicly declaring that I will be joining Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team for 2011. I am committing to memorizing 24 verses in the next 12 months...24 new verses for me. I will not be simply refreshing my memory of verses I have already memorized, but will commit a new arsenal as I reload for victory! And, I do love to win!
Please consider joining me. Check out her blog post that describes the team. http://blog.lproof.org/2010/12/siesta-scripture-memory-instructions.html. And, then let me know you will be joining me. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. Eccl 4.
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